sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Making a presentation with MS Office PowerPoint 2007

With Powerpoint 2007 we can easily make our presentations.

To make our presentation we add slides; this slides can have different layouts in which we can put text or images. When the slide is created we can choose the layout we need, for example, a title layout or a normal layout, then we add the text or the images into the placeholders which are the boxes that appear on the slide.

Instead of creating a slide we can also import slides from another presentation and modify them or leave them as they come.

If we want our presentation to be nicer, we should choose some theme; with this we obtain an image at the background, the font and color of the text changes, and the placeholders get redistributed.

There are two ways for including pictures or objects into the slides, one manner is by clicking over the icons in a placeholder, this will make that the picture appears in the current selected placesholder; the second way is using the insert tab from the ribbon, here we will find all the commands related to the insertion of images and other things.

At any moment we can watch a preview in fullscreen mode with the slides we have done, and see if they are fine or not. If we want to print the slides, there are two interesting options; one is focused on the public and the other on the speaker, with the first one, the slides will have some lines aside, which are meant to the people to take notes and the second option gives to the speaker a place to put some comments.

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

Working with Outlook

Outlook also has suffered several changes in this new version. One of the first things we can note is about the navigation pane, now it is collapsible; and also there is a To-Do bar, which contains a calendar and some more useful options.

As in the previous office programms we have seen, in outlook has been implemented the ribbon too, we can see it when we send or receive mails or when we administrate our contacts or dates; we already know the function of this ribbon, it contains all the commands which are separated in appropiated groups.

One special feature of the ribbon is that it changes its tabs according to the task we are doing; for example, if we are sending a mail we will see a tab called "Messege" but if we are working with the calendar, this tab will not appear, instead of this we will have some other tabs related to this task.

The video shows us how easy is to send a mail, using features like adding an image, attaching a file or searching for contacts, all of this with the commands displayed on the ribbon.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Microsoft Access 2007, my summary.

Just like Microsoft Excel 2007, Access 2007 also has a new look. It has been included a space called "the ribbon", where are buttons that are used frecuently, they are organized around similar tasks, which allows an easiest access to diferent options.

There are two more changes: the "quick access tool bar" which we can modify by adding elements we desire, this give us a quicker access to them; and the other modification is the "Microsoft office buttom", here we can find the common tasks such as creating a new data base, or opening an old one, saving the present activity and closing the database.

The making of tables, forms, and reports is very easy; with the first ones, we can choose a template, this is faster and saves us some time; the forms and the reports have a tab which only appears when we are working with them, and this tab has especific functions. Also we can previsualize the changes we want to do, without the need to implement this changes.

This version of access has also a new file format, this is becouse of the features included in it. Access 2007 can work with old formats without any problems, but if we want to export a file in old format, we can not use the new features.

About Microsoft Excel 2007

The video shows us the new style of Microsoft Excel 2007. This new style is nicer at first sight, and the new version which has changed from the classic menu to tabs, offers a quicker way to acces the options.
Each tab is described, showing the old and the new elements we can use. On these tabs the options we frequently need are all together, so it's easier to find them while we work.
Some tabs have a little arrow at their right-bottom corner, this means that there are more options than the shown on them; if we click on this arrow, a dialog box will appear and here we'll find these additional options.
Some substantials changes are the way we can modify the margins and the way we can previsualize the page before printing; now we can work in a sheet with the shape of a page so we can know at every moment, what is gonig to be printed.