Instead of creating a slide we can also import slides from another presentation and modify them or leave them as they come.
If we want our presentation to be nicer, we should choose some theme; with this we obtain an image at the background, the font and color of the text changes, and the placeholders get redistributed.
There are two ways for including pictures or objects into the slides, one manner is by clicking over the icons in a placeholder, this will make that the picture appears in the current selected placesholder; the second way is using the insert tab from the ribbon, here we will find all the commands related to the insertion of images and other things.
At any moment we can watch a preview in fullscreen mode with the slides we have done, and see if they are fine or not. If we want to print the slides, there are two interesting options; one is focused on the public and the other on the speaker, with the first one, the slides will have some lines aside, which are meant to the people to take notes and the second option gives to the speaker a place to put some comments.