domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

About Microsoft Excel 2007

The video shows us the new style of Microsoft Excel 2007. This new style is nicer at first sight, and the new version which has changed from the classic menu to tabs, offers a quicker way to acces the options.
Each tab is described, showing the old and the new elements we can use. On these tabs the options we frequently need are all together, so it's easier to find them while we work.
Some tabs have a little arrow at their right-bottom corner, this means that there are more options than the shown on them; if we click on this arrow, a dialog box will appear and here we'll find these additional options.
Some substantials changes are the way we can modify the margins and the way we can previsualize the page before printing; now we can work in a sheet with the shape of a page so we can know at every moment, what is gonig to be printed.

1 comentario:

  1. ... a little arrow at their right-bottom corner. This means that ...
    Some substantial-- changes are the...
    .. work ON a sheet with the shape of a page so we can know at every moment what is GOING to be printed.
