miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

On-line exercise. 'Computers: From the Past to the Present'

Here are the answers for the first practice:

1. the device used in China as a calculating machine, 4000 years ago.
   This is the Abacus, which was first precursor to the adding machines.

2. the first mechanical calculator .
     It is the Pascaline and it worked as an adder.

3. the scientist considered the "father of computing".
   Charles Babbage gained this nickname for his contributions to the development of the computer

4. the machine used by H. Hollerith in 1890 to read the US census.
   This is the tabulating machinge, and this invention was the beginning for the big company IBM.

5. the computer developed by Konrad Zuse in 1941
   The Z3 is the machine invented by him, and it was the first machine to work on the binary system.

6. the digital computer built by engineers at IBM and H. Aiken in 1950
   This is the Mark I  and it was able to perform all four arithmetic operations.

7. the device designed by Alan Turing to perform logical operations
   It is the Turing Machine, but this is not a phisical devices, it is an hypothetical device used to solve logical operations.

8. the giant machine which had more than 2,000 vacuum tubes
   This is the ENIAC.

9. the company that designed the first microprocessor in 1971
   Intel was the first company who released a microprocessor.

10. the creators of Microsoft
   They were William Gates and Paul Allen.

11. the first computer with a graphical user interface and a mouse
   The first generations of machines with Macintosh were the first computers to have these revolutionaries peripherals.

12. the main uses of the Web and where it was developed
   It was developed at CERN in Switzerland and the uses can be very different but the usual things people do is looking up for information, shopping staff, downloading pictures, music or games, interact with other people and a numberless amount of things.

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